
Your Trusted Partner in Firestopping Services

We offer comprehensive firestopping services—ranging from HEAD OF WALL, SLAB EDGE, DEMISING WALL firestopping — designed to meet or exceed the latest safety codes.


Fire-Rated Caulking:

Seal gaps and joints with fire-resistant caulking to prevent the spread of fire and smoke.

Fire Barriers:

Installation of fire barriers in walls, floors, and ceilings to compartmentalize fire and contain it within a designated area.


Penetration Seals:

Secure and seal any penetrations, such as pipes, cables, and ducts, to maintain the integrity of your fire-rated assemblies.


Joint Seals:

Protect expansion joints and construction joints with fire-resistant materials to ensure continuous fire protection.

For over 50 years, Costa Caulking has been a trusted name in the caulking and firestopping industry, renowned for our unwavering commitment to quality, safety, and precision.

“At Costa Caulking, we are committed to delivering the highest standards of quality and service. Our are actively involved and on-site to ensure every project is completed with precision and care.” – David Costa, President

Our firestopping services create effective barriers against the spread of fire, smoke, and toxic gases. These firestop applications include Top of Wall, demising wall, and even slab edge. We can produce engineered sign offs for any detail or work with you to find the right solution.

TOP OF WALL: When concrete blocks meet a roof deck or floor above, we have to insulate and firestop it.

SLAB EDGE: We install mineral wool to the thickness of the floor at a 50% compression, then apply a firestop product to protect from flame and smoke spread.

DEMISING WALL: This is where suite walls meet an outside wall. We have to protect the spread of fire, so we install mineral wool and apply a sprayed firestop product.

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(416) 898-8611